Thursday 6 July 2017

Linux device driver loading procedure in boot up

// driver call flow
kernel_thread(kernel_init, NULL, CLONE_FS);
do_basic_setup()(the machine is now initialized. None of the devices have been touched yet, but the CPU subsystem is up and running, and memory and process management works.)
   1.driver_init() //drivers/base/init.c (Call the driver model init functions to initialize their subsystems. Called early from init/main.c)
   2.do_initcalls() The purpose of this loop is to execute each of the init functions corresponding to each of the initcall levels (All built-in modules initialized with module_init () are represented by initcall level 6).

It depends on whether the driver is a built-in module or compiled as a loadable module. I'll be talking about a built-in module in this answer (one with y in .config):

module_init expands to  #define module_init(x)  __initcall(x);

which then expands to

#define __initcall(fn) device_initcall(fn)
#define device_initcall(fn)             __define_initcall(fn, 6)

If your driver's initialization routine is called strtdrv then  #define device_initcall(fn) __define_initcall(fn, 6) becomes  #define device_initcall(fn) __define_initcall(strtdrv, 6)

_define_initcall expands to

    #define __define_initcall(fn, id) \
    static initcall_t __initcall_##fn##id __used \
    __attribute__((__section__(".initcall" #id ".init"))) = fn

which means we now have

       static initcall_t __initcall_strtdrv6 __used __attribute__((__section__(".initcall6.init"))) = strtdrv;
A new symbol is created, called __initcall_strtdrv6, which is inserted into the ELF section called .initcall6.init, which points to a routine called strtdrv.

If we take a look at init/main.c, do_basic_setup() has a call to do_initcalls().

static void __init do_initcalls(void)
    int level;

    for (level = 0; level < ARRAY_SIZE(initcall_levels) - 1; level++)

The purpose of this loop is to execute each of the init functions corresponding to each of the initcall levels (All built-in modules initialized with module_init () are represented by initcall level 6).

We will now expand do_initcall_level(level) and focus on a particular chunk of code:

static void __init do_initcall_level(int level)
    /* some code */
    initcall_t *fn;
    for (fn = initcall_levels[level]; fn < initcall_levels[level+1]; fn++)
    /* some code */

The function pointer *fn is pointed to first function pointer registered within each of the ELF sections and is incremented by the size of fn* ( sizeof(initcall_t *)) until the end of the ELF section is reached and for each step taken, the pointer is called and the init function is executed, so in our case, do_one_initcall() will simply call the driver's initialization routine strtdrv()

    int __init_or_module do_one_initcall(initcall_t fn) {
    /* some code */
    ret = fn(); // which in our case is strtdrv(), so ret = strtdrv();
    /* some code */

and what happens next depends on the routine's code. After the initialization is done, an architecture specific function called free_initmem is called to clean up the memory pages consumed by the init functions and its data.

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